1. The Country
    1. Country’s History in Brief
    2. Geography
    3. Population
    4. Government
    5. Country’s infrastructure
    6. Transportation
    7. Economy
  2. World Bank’s and other organization support to the country
    1. Context
    2. Strategy
    3. Results
  3. Country Economic Monitor
    1. Economic review of Lebanon
    2. Challenges in the Lebanese energy sector
    3. Water in Lebanon – Coupling infrastructure with institutional reform
    4. Lebanon- Selected Economic Indicators 2013-2017
    5. Recent special focus about Lebanon
  4. Doing Business (World Bank edition)
    1. The business environment
    2. Starting a business
    3. Dealing with construction permits
    4. Getting Electricity
    5. Registering property
    6. Getting Credit
    7. Protecting minority investors
    8. Paying taxes
    9. Trading across borders
    10. Enforcing contracts
    11. Resolving insolvency
    12. Labor market regulation
  5. ICT Sector in Lebanon
    1. Employment Generation
    2. Export Potential
    3. Enabling Environment
    4. Competitive Advantages
    5. Low & Competitive salary base
    6. Access to regional markets with rising demand
    7. Thriving business environment
    8. Subsectors Overview
  6. Bibliography