1. The Country
    1. Country’s History in Brief
    2. Country data
    3. Government
    4. Economy
    5. Energy
    6. Communications
    7. Transportation
    8. Military
    9. Transnational Issues
  2. Recent economic and sectoral developments
    1. Recent Economic Developments
    2. Governance
    3. Public Financial Management
    4. Financial Sector Development
    5. Private Sector Development
    6. Social Protection
    7. Gender
    8. Health
    9. Education
    10. Agriculture and Irrigation
    11. Energy
    12. Municipal and Community Services
    13. Transport
    14. Disaster Risk Management
  3. ICT sector overview
    1. Kyrgyzstan and Foreign Partners
    2. ICT in Kyrgyzstan
    3. Recent progress in mobile and internet
  4. National Strategy Information and Communication Technologies for Development in the Kyrgyz Republic
    1. Introduction
    2. Main objectives, tasks and priorities of the National Strategy
      1. Objectives
      2. Main tasks
      3. Main priorities
    3. Main principles and directions of the national ICT policy
      1. Main principles of the national ICT policy
      2. Improvement of public administration and local self-governance throughICT application
      3. Education – human capacity building and training of staff
      4. Electronic economy
    4. State support in the development of the priority areas of the national strategy
      1. Development of ICT-related legislation
      2. Development of infrastructure for informatization
      3. Ensuring security of information
      4. ICT and civil society development. Building partnership with different sectors.
    5. Organizational, economic and financial mechanisms in implementation and monitoring of the national strategy
      1. Methodology for the ICT strategy implementation
      2. Measures of National Strategy implementation
      3. Economic and financial measures for the implementation of the National Strategy
      4. Creation of a monitoring and evaluation system to track progress with the implementation of the National Strategy
      5. International cooperation and donor support for the National Strategy
  1. Broadband infrastructure
    1. Telecommunications Market Overview
    2. Regulation and Government Intervention
    3. Fixed Line Telephony Market
    4. Mobile Telephony Market
    5. Internet and Broadband Market
    6. Domestic Network Connectivity in Kyrgyzstan
    7. International Network Connectivity in Kyrgyzstan
    8. ICT statistics in Central Asian countries – By International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  2. Doing Business in Kyrgyzstan
    1. Introduction
    2. Changes in doing business 2015
    3. The business environment
    4. Starting a business
    5. Dealing with construction permits
    6. Getting electricity
    7. Registering property
    8. Getting credit
    9. Protecting minority investors
    10. Paying taxes
    11. Trading across borders
    12. Enforcing contracts
    13. Resolving insolvency
    14. Labor market regulation
    15. Distance to frontier and ease of doing business ranking