1. The Country
    1. Country’s History in Brief
    2. People and Society
    3. Government
    4. Economy
    5. Energy
    6. Communications
    7. Military
    8. Transnational Issues
  2. ICT sector in Uzbekistan
    1. Introduction
    2. ICT infrastructure
    3. Policies and international cooperation
    4. ICT in business
    5. ICT statistics in Central Asian countries – By International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    6. e-Health in Uzbekistan
  3. Doing business in Uzbekistan (by World Bank)
    1. Introdustion
    2. Changes in doing business 2015
    3. The business environment
    4. The business environment
    5. Starting a business
    6. Dealing with construction ermits
    7. Getting electricity
    8. Registering property
    9. Getting credit
    10. Protecting minority investors
    11. Paying taxes
    12. Trading across borders
    13. Enforcing contracts
    14. Resolving insolvency
    15. Labor market regulation
    16. Distance to frontier and ease of doing business ranking