1. The Country
    1. Country’s History in Brief
    2. Country Data
    3. Economy
    4. Political Context
    5. Economic Context
    6. Governance
    7. Regional Integration and Trade
    8. Social Inclusion and Equity
    9. Environment and Climate Change
    10. Development Challenges
  2. Public Financial Management
    1. Introduction
    2. Situational Analysis
    3. Perspectives of PFMRP IV
    4. Institutional Arrangements
  3. Poverty in Tanzania and National Strategy for Reduction
    1. Poverty status in Tanzania
    2. Introduction to the Eleventh Poverty Reduction Support Credit
    3. Macroeconomic Policy Framework
    4. Macroeconomic Outlook and Debt Sustainability
    5. IMF Relations
    6. The Government’s Program
    7. The Proposed Operation
    8. Link to CAS and other bank operations
    9. Consultations and collaboration with development partners
    10. Other design and appraisal issues
    11. Summary of risks and mitigation
  4. Tanzania’s Health Care System
    1. Health and healthcare of Tanzanians
    2. The United Republic of Tanzania’s Response to Health
    3. Main diseases and epidemics in Tanzania
    4. Institutional Arrangements of the National Health Systems
    5. Relationship between the Public Health System and the Private Sector
    6. Health Workforce Profile and Distribution
    7. Vision Statement and Mission Statements
  5. ICT sector
    1. Introduction to the National ICT Policy
    2. The Status of Telecommunication Sector Development
    3. Policy and Regulatory Development
    4. Telecom, Internet and Broadcasting Market Analysis
    5. Network Subscribers
    6. Communications Service Pricing
    7. E- & M- Applications
    8. ICT in Education
    9. ICT and Environmental Sustainability
    10. E-Health
  6. Decentralization in Tanzania
    1. Introduction
    2. Decentralization between 1961 and 1998
    3. The Local Government Reform Programme (LGRP)
    4. The process of bottom-up planning
  1. Research and Development Policy in Tanzania
    1. Introduction
    2. Rationale, Scope, Vision, Mission and General Objective
    3. Policy Issues, Specific Objectives and Policy Statements
    4. Institutional Framework
    5. Implementation Plan for the R&D Policy
  2. Sustainable energy markets in Tanzania
    1. Introduction
    2. Government Institutions, Policies and Incentives
    3. Renewable energy production in Tanzania
    4. Energy Efficiency Potential
  3. Mining sector
    1. Geology and production
    2. Mineral investment policy
    3. Outcomes
  4. Investment Climate in Tanzania
    1. Openness to, and restrictions upon, foreign investment
    2. Conversion and Transfer Policies
    3. Expropriation and Compensation
    4. Dispute Settlement
    5. Performance Requirements and Incentives
    6. Right to Private Ownership and Establishment
    7. Protection of Property Rights
    8. Transparency of the Regulatory System
    9. Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment
    10. Competition from State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
    11. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
    12. Political Violence
    13. Corruption
    14. Bilateral Investment Agreements
    15. OPIC and Other Investment Insurance Programs
    16. Labor
    17. Foreign Trade Zones/Free Ports
    18. Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Portfolio Investment Statistics
    19. Investment Opportunities in Tanzania
    20. Investment Incentives
  5. Appendices
    1. Result Framework of the Strategic Plan for the Public Financial Management
    2. Health Profile and Indicators in Tanzania
    3. Doing Business in Tanzania (by World Bank)
    4. International Monetary Fund (IMF): Tanzania’s recent developments and outlook