- The Country
- Country’s History in Brief
- Country Data
- Economy
- Political Context
- Economic Context
- Governance
- Regional Integration and Trade
- Social Inclusion and Equity
- Environment and Climate Change
- Development Challenges
- Public Financial Management
- Introduction
- Situational Analysis
- Perspectives of PFMRP IV
- Institutional Arrangements
- Poverty in Tanzania and National Strategy for Reduction
- Poverty status in Tanzania
- Introduction to the Eleventh Poverty Reduction Support Credit
- Macroeconomic Policy Framework
- Macroeconomic Outlook and Debt Sustainability
- IMF Relations
- The Government’s Program
- The Proposed Operation
- Link to CAS and other bank operations
- Consultations and collaboration with development partners
- Other design and appraisal issues
- Summary of risks and mitigation
- Tanzania’s Health Care System
- Health and healthcare of Tanzanians
- The United Republic of Tanzania’s Response to Health
- Main diseases and epidemics in Tanzania
- Institutional Arrangements of the National Health Systems
- Relationship between the Public Health System and the Private Sector
- Health Workforce Profile and Distribution
- Vision Statement and Mission Statements
- ICT sector
- Introduction to the National ICT Policy
- The Status of Telecommunication Sector Development
- Policy and Regulatory Development
- Telecom, Internet and Broadcasting Market Analysis
- Network Subscribers
- Communications Service Pricing
- E- & M- Applications
- ICT in Education
- ICT and Environmental Sustainability
- E-Health
- Decentralization in Tanzania
- Introduction
- Decentralization between 1961 and 1998
- The Local Government Reform Programme (LGRP)
- The process of bottom-up planning
- Research and Development Policy in Tanzania
- Introduction
- Rationale, Scope, Vision, Mission and General Objective
- Policy Issues, Specific Objectives and Policy Statements
- Institutional Framework
- Implementation Plan for the R&D Policy
- Sustainable energy markets in Tanzania
- Introduction
- Government Institutions, Policies and Incentives
- Renewable energy production in Tanzania
- Energy Efficiency Potential
- Mining sector
- Geology and production
- Mineral investment policy
- Outcomes
- Investment Climate in Tanzania
- Openness to, and restrictions upon, foreign investment
- Conversion and Transfer Policies
- Expropriation and Compensation
- Dispute Settlement
- Performance Requirements and Incentives
- Right to Private Ownership and Establishment
- Protection of Property Rights
- Transparency of the Regulatory System
- Efficient Capital Markets and Portfolio Investment
- Competition from State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Political Violence
- Corruption
- Bilateral Investment Agreements
- OPIC and Other Investment Insurance Programs
- Labor
- Foreign Trade Zones/Free Ports
- Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Portfolio Investment Statistics
- Investment Opportunities in Tanzania
- Investment Incentives
- Appendices
- Result Framework of the Strategic Plan for the Public Financial Management
- Health Profile and Indicators in Tanzania
- Doing Business in Tanzania (by World Bank)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF): Tanzania’s recent developments and outlook