- The Country
- Country’s History in Brief
- Geography
- Government
- Economy
- Energy
- Communications
- Transnational Issues
- ICT sector in Tajikistan
- Introduction
- ICT infrastructure
- ICT Policy, laws and regulations
- Internet in Tajikistan
- Telecommunications in Tajikistan (Tcell)
- ICT and Youth Development in Tajikistan
- ICT statistics in Central Asian countries – By International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Doing business in Tajikistan (by World Bank)
- Introduction
- Changes in coing business 2015
- The business environment
- Starting a business
- Dealing with construction permits
- Getting electricity
- Registering property
- Getting credit
- Protecting minority investors
- Paying taxes
- Trading across borders
- Enforcing contracts
- Resolving insolvency
- Labor market regulation
- Distance to frontier of doing busimess ranking
Tajikistan Development StudyBaggelis Lignos2019-01-22T12:49:50+00:00