1. Country profile
    1. History
    2. Geography
    3. Population
    4. Government
    5. Country’s infrastructure
    6. Transportation
    7.  Economy
  2. ICT sector – Country’s Strategic Plan
    1. Strategic Plan overview
      1. Objectives
      2. Growth, Transparency and Competition
      3. e-Commerce Law
      4. Qatar Domain Names
      5. Initiatives
    2. Progress and Challenges
      1. Moving Forward
      2. Program 1 // ICT Infrastructure
      3. Program 2 // Modernizing the Legal and Regulatory Framework
      4. Program 3 // Cyber Safety and Security
      5. Program 4 // Digital Inclusion
      6. Program 5 // ICT Human Capital
      7. Program 6 // Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program
      8. Program 7 // Digital Content
      9. Program 8 // Second-Generation i-Government
      10. Program 9 // e-Education
      11. Program 10 // e-Health
      12. Program 11 // Internet and Society
  3. Qatar big urban projects
    1. Urban development and master planning in Qatar and the Gulf Region between post-colonialism and globalization.
    2. Planning in the megaproject phase: the Qatar National Development Framework and relevant experiences in the region
    3. Relevant planning experiences in Asian emerging metropolises
    4. Factors hindering the implementation of urban planning in Qatar and their relevance for the QNDF and future municipal structure plans
      • Lack of understanding of Gulf dynamics by international consultants
      • Poor government capacity and lack of coordination between government agencies
      • Lack of discussion of ongoing megaprojects
      • Implications for ongoing and future municipal structure plans
      • Conclusion

Doing business in Qatar (World Bank edition)

  1. The business environment
  2. Starting a business
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
    • What are the details?
  3. Dealing with construction permits
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
  4. Getting Electricity
    • What do the indicators cover?
  5. Registering property
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
    • What are the details?
  6. Getting Credit
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
    • What are the details?
  7. Protecting minority investors
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
  8. Paying taxes
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
  9. Trading across borders
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
    • What are the details?
  10. Enforcing contracts
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
    • What are the details?
  11. Resolving insolvency
    • What do the indicators cover?
    • Where does the economy stand today?
  12. Labor market regulation
    • What are the details?
    • Rigidity of hours index
    • Difficulty of redundancy index
    • Redundancy cost
    • Social protection schemes and benefits & Labor disputes