1. The country
    1. Country’s history in brief
    2. Country data
    3. Economy
    4. Main financial indicators and statistics
    5. World Bank- 2013 Madagascar Enterprise survey
  2. Country context and prospects (World Bank)
    1. Political, Economic and Social Context
    2. Strategic Options
    3. Recent Developments in Aid Coordination/Harmonization and AfDB’s Positioning in the Country
    4. Portfolio Performance
    5. Outcomes and Lessons Learned from the Previous Strategy
  3. World Bank Group strategy for Madagascar
    1. Rationale for Bank Group Intervention and Pillars
    2. Strategic Thrusts
    3. Objectives and Strategic Pillars of the Interim CSP
    4. Expected Deliverables and Targets
    5. Analytical Work Programme
    6. Lending Program and Resource Allocation-related Issues
    7. Monitoring/Evaluation of the Strategy
    8. Key Country Dialogue Issues
    9. Conclusion and Recommendations
  4. Madagascar economy
    1. Overview
    2. Recent developments and prospects
    3. Macroeconomic policy
    4. Economic and political governance
    5. Social context and human development
  5. Madagascar on the rebound with a Blue economy
    1. Madagascar’s New Blue Economy
    2. Too soon for tourism
    3. Powering Madagascar’s Blue Economy
  1. Wealth accounting and valuation of ecosystem services (WAVES)
    1. Introduction to WAVES Madagascar & Activities to Date
    2. Overview of the political context in Madagascar
    3. Overview of Macro-economic Context in Madagascar
    4. Policy Linkages
    5. Communication
    6. Enhancing Sustainability of Outcomes
    7. Implementation Arrangements
    8. The Way Forward
  2. Trade
    1. Trade Performance
    2. Sector Trade Performance
    3. Trade Strategy and Policy
    4. Trade Facilitation
    5. Business and Regulatory Environment
    6. Infrastructure
    7. Trade Contacts
  3. Energy profile of the country
    1. All energy sectors
    2. Energy balance
  4. Potential of Hydro Power
    1. Project PERER
  5. ICT sector
    1. ICT village project in Madagascar
  6. Doing Business in Madagascar (by World Bank)
    1. Introduction
    2. The business environment
    3. Starting a business
    4. Dealing with construction permits
    5. Getting electricity
    6. Registering property
    7. Getting credit
    8. Protecting minority investors
    9. Paying taxes
    10. Trading across borders
    11. Enforcing contracts
    12. Resolving insolvency
    13. Labor market regulation
    14. Distance to frontier and easy of doing business ranking