- The country
- Country’s history in brief
- Country data
- Economy
- Main financial indicators and statistics
- World Bank- 2013 Madagascar Enterprise survey
- Country context and prospects (World Bank)
- Political, Economic and Social Context
- Strategic Options
- Recent Developments in Aid Coordination/Harmonization and AfDB’s Positioning in the Country
- Portfolio Performance
- Outcomes and Lessons Learned from the Previous Strategy
- World Bank Group strategy for Madagascar
- Rationale for Bank Group Intervention and Pillars
- Strategic Thrusts
- Objectives and Strategic Pillars of the Interim CSP
- Expected Deliverables and Targets
- Analytical Work Programme
- Lending Program and Resource Allocation-related Issues
- Monitoring/Evaluation of the Strategy
- Key Country Dialogue Issues
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- Madagascar economy
- Overview
- Recent developments and prospects
- Macroeconomic policy
- Economic and political governance
- Social context and human development
- Madagascar on the rebound with a Blue economy
- Madagascar’s New Blue Economy
- Too soon for tourism
- Powering Madagascar’s Blue Economy
- Wealth accounting and valuation of ecosystem services (WAVES)
- Introduction to WAVES Madagascar & Activities to Date
- Overview of the political context in Madagascar
- Overview of Macro-economic Context in Madagascar
- Policy Linkages
- Communication
- Enhancing Sustainability of Outcomes
- Implementation Arrangements
- The Way Forward
- Trade
- Trade Performance
- Sector Trade Performance
- Trade Strategy and Policy
- Trade Facilitation
- Business and Regulatory Environment
- Infrastructure
- Trade Contacts
- Energy profile of the country
- All energy sectors
- Energy balance
- Potential of Hydro Power
- Project PERER
- ICT sector
- ICT village project in Madagascar
- Doing Business in Madagascar (by World Bank)
- Introduction
- The business environment
- Starting a business
- Dealing with construction permits
- Getting electricity
- Registering property
- Getting credit
- Protecting minority investors
- Paying taxes
- Trading across borders
- Enforcing contracts
- Resolving insolvency
- Labor market regulation
- Distance to frontier and easy of doing business ranking